Mind-Body Therapies in the Age of Telehealth

Written By: Dr. Beata Lewis

woman leaning on kitchen counter looking at phone

The accelerated adoption of telehealth services, catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic, has forever changed the landscape of healthcare delivery. This shift has had a profound impact on mind-body therapies, providing novel ways to deliver these interventions and making them more accessible to a larger population. As psychologists at Mind Body Seven, we have had the opportunity to participate in this transition and can attest to the transformative potential of telehealth for mental health care.

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth, the practice of delivering healthcare services through telecommunications technologies, has proven to be an invaluable tool for providing mental health services. The power of telehealth lies in its ability to transcend geographical boundaries and traditional time constraints, opening doors for patients who may be inhibited by physical distance, mobility issues, or health restrictions from accessing traditional in-person therapy.

Advantages of Telehealth

This new approach to healthcare delivery has been particularly advantageous for the provision of mind-body therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), biofeedback, yoga, and other integrative therapies. These therapies, which focus on the intricate interplay between the mind and body to promote healing and wellness, can be successfully delivered via telehealth platforms, as confirmed by several studies.

For example, a meta-analysis discovered that internet-delivered CBT was effective for a variety of mental health conditions (Andrews et al., 2018). This finding illustrates the potential of telehealth to deliver complex therapeutic interventions effectively. In a similar vein, MBSR, a program designed to help individuals manage stress and pain through mindfulness practices, has also shown efficacy when delivered online (Fish et al., 2016). These examples underscore the potential of telehealth as a viable and effective platform for delivering mind-body therapies.

Furthermore, telehealth has paved the way for innovative methods of treatment delivery, such as app-based interventions. A plethora of apps are available today that guide users through a range of mind-body therapies, including guided meditations, relaxation techniques, and biofeedback exercises. These digital tools can be utilized as standalone therapeutic interventions or as supplementary tools alongside conventional therapy, thereby offering a versatile and accessible means of mental health support.

Challenges in the Field of TeleHealth

However, the transition to telehealth does not come without its challenges. Digital inequity is a significant concern, as not all individuals have access to the necessary technological resources or a reliable internet connection. This issue highlights the need for concerted efforts to address the digital divide and ensure equal access to telehealth benefits.

Additionally, there may be hurdles for some individuals in adjusting to digital platforms, particularly among older adults or those who are less technologically savvy. It's important for healthcare providers to provide necessary support and guidance to these patients to help them adapt to these new platforms and to ensure they can effectively participate in their care.

There is also the paramount issue of data security and patient privacy. With the transition to digital platforms comes the increased risk of data breaches. It's crucial for healthcare providers to ensure that the platforms used for telehealth services adhere to stringent security standards to safeguard patient information.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of telehealth for mind-body therapies are immense. Telehealth can extend the reach of these therapies to individuals who might not have been able to access them otherwise. It also offers increased flexibility, allowing patients to engage in therapy from the comfort and safety of their homes, on their own schedules.

The Future of Telehealth

As we look to the future, it's clear that telehealth will continue to play a significant role in the delivery of mind-body therapies. As practitioners, we must navigate this new landscape with empathy, adaptability, and expertise, leveraging the potential of telehealth to enhance our care while always prioritizing the needs and comfort of our patients.

The integration of telehealth into the realm of mind-body therapies presents a new era in mental health care, one that's marked by unprecedented accessibility and flexibility. It's a promising development that brings with it new opportunities and new challenges that we, as healthcare providers, must navigate carefully.

One such challenge is the need to maintain the quality of care and therapeutic rapport in a virtual setting. The therapeutic relationship is a critical component of effective therapy, and it's essential to find ways to build and maintain this connection even when in-person interaction is not possible. Techniques such as active listening, empathetic communication, and non-verbal cues can still be effectively employed in a virtual setting to foster a strong therapeutic alliance.

The telehealth revolution also necessitates a rethinking of how we conduct assessments in a virtual setting. Traditional methods of assessment may not always translate well to a virtual platform, and new approaches may need to be developed. For instance, the use of self-report questionnaires and digital health trackers may become increasingly important in assessing a patient's progress in therapy.

Another significant advantage of telehealth is the potential for greater patient empowerment. In a telehealth setting, patients often have greater control over their therapy sessions. They can schedule sessions at times that work best for them, engage in therapy in a setting where they feel comfortable, and have access to therapy materials and resources at all times. This sense of control can enhance patient engagement and investment in therapy, which can in turn lead to better outcomes.

There's also the potential for telehealth to facilitate more integrated care. With the right digital infrastructure, telehealth can make it easier for different healthcare providers to collaborate and coordinate care. For example, a patient's psychiatrist, psychologist, and primary care physician could all have access to the same digital health records, making it easier to coordinate treatment and ensure that the patient is receiving holistic care.

Lastly, telehealth can also enhance the accessibility and reach of group therapy sessions. With virtual platforms, group sessions can include individuals from diverse geographical locations, which can enhance the diversity of perspectives and experiences shared in the group. Furthermore, individuals who may feel uncomfortable in in-person group settings may find it easier to participate in virtual group therapy.


In conclusion, the advent of telehealth has opened up a new frontier in mind-body therapies, offering immense potential for enhancing the accessibility, flexibility, and effectiveness of these interventions. As practitioners in this new era of healthcare, our challenge is to embrace the opportunities presented by telehealth while also navigating its challenges with care and professionalism. By doing so, we can ensure that we continue to provide high-quality, effective care to our patients, wherever they may be.

Integrative mind is a psychiatry practice in New York City that offers virtual in-network psychiatry and psychotherapy sessions for adolescents and adults. Our team is comprised of psychiatric clinicians and psychotherapists that specialize in treating a wide range of mental health conditions. Get started today!


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